Property and Conveyancing

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Property and Conveyancing

Pratice Area

We advise clients when buying and selling commercial, industrial or residential property or in matters involving owners’ corporations. We are also experienced in matters involving retail or commercial leasing. When dealing with property matters, our expertise in conveyancing, finance and refinancing, subdivisions, leasing and planning laws will serve to protect all client’s interests. You can also be assured that when property is affected by family or estate disputes, we have the relevant skills and expertise in resolving such matters.

How We Works


We discuss all relevant aspects related to your current needs before commencing any engangements.


Our research team compiles all relavant information required to best deliver on your needs

Take Action

We take action guided by our need analysis and research findings to offer you the best result.

Our key areas of expertise and experience:
  • Residential conveyancing.
  • Commercial and industrial conveyancing.
  • Building contracts.
  • Creation and removal of caveats.
  • Creation and removal of covenants.
  • Creation and removal of easements.
  • Financing and refinancing.
  • Retail and commercial leasing.